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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Loud house

The floors squeak like mad in this house.
Makes for a lot of racket.
Daytime isn't so noticeable but late at night it's ridiculously loud.
I looked online about shivving the boards below but decided we love the security.

We are pretty loud too.
Clowns are pretty loud.
Sometimes it's not a problem.
The fellow staying with us is hard of hearing.
He thinks we are a riot and encouraged us to ham it up as much as we like.
We been having a blast doing midnight band practice, fake arguing and banging pots and pans around late at night.
He just smiles and reads his paper.

Loving this job.

 Last night we spent some hours producing a journalism video.

 A while back when we were at a documentary screening in a theater. 
We were introducing ourselves to people afterwards, A small group laughed at us as no introduction was needed. 
They were the editors of the movie. They spent hours scrutinizing our face and movements. 
That is the case here.
 Luckily we love Lisa Loving. 
We spent hours lining up footage, matching it with the script and fussing over settings. 
Olive is generating slides and I'm working on music. I can't wait for her to launch this
. "How to street journalist with Lisa Loving". I will let ya know.

Monday, January 14, 2019

I'm worried about someone I don't know.

 We were s'posed to get a guest in our house late last night. Plane was to arrive in the early hours but this morning nobody. I hope he made it. 
The Trumpdown shut down has thrown monkey wrenches into lots of people's lives especially around the airports. 
Lots of folks got vacations ruined by the shutdown.
The folks not shut down are the two mid-aged women who have been here with us a few days. We love them. 
They seem to be having a good time here in Portland.
These friendly folks are best friends from San Bernadino. 
Soon one will be moving across the country and this is their last good adventure together. They have been enjoying the nightlife, booty shaking, eating and laughing. 
It's been lovely having lots of conversations with them about food and culture. Olive was grumpy with me for calling them mid-age (they are closer to me, than you Buddy) but if you know who The Adolecents are then me calling you mid age is claiming you as my own. I'm happily mid-age.
I'm sure these two will be crying when they part ways and if we are anywhere around, FER SURE we will be too. lol 
This morning they were looking at us with sheepish grins. "We looked you two up last night...can we have you autograph?"
We wanted their autograph!
We didn't get to say goodbye and that was sad but they did send us a lovely note a few days later.
At some point of their stay, one of them caught me taking this pic of their shoes.
 I was too embarrassed to mention that I'm writing about them on my blog so I just lied and said I have a foot fetish.

like what we do?

Thursday, January 10, 2019

the scrape. My wife is a scraper. Olive fights the war in myplaque

So Olive and I were doing dishes.
Me washing her rinsing. I wasn't crazy about the job she was doing but I decided I would just take the diarrhea rather than smash the domestic bliss by saying something (because married.)
Olive didn't subscribe to those methods because after buffing dish, we went to brush teeth.
She was paying more attention to me than herself.
"I'm gonna mimic what you do and see if I get all my teeth."
She didn't think my style was up to par. 
She kind of has a right, we makeout a lot (especially for folks who have been together 10 years).
I wasn't hip to her scheme though. 
It made me self conscious being watched so I did a rush job. At the end she said "I missed like 8 teeth copying you."
So I did what a lot of spouses would do. 
I made a break for it.
Didn't work, she caught me by the scruff, sat me on the tub, examined and then broke out the tools.
She has a set of metal dental tools and she knows how to use them.
I gave up and let her have her way with me. She does this once a year or so.
An Olive scrape is strong but no frills. There is no sanding in this project so it takes a week or so for the back of my teeth to smooth out. She isn't gentle dental either, she scrubs them teeth like she is washing a car. All I can do is hold on and try thinking pleasant thoughts.
Thanks wifee.

like what we do?

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Still empty rental rooms

. I got to admit that the Shut Down did kind of give us a chance to deep clean the pad. 
We were amazed at what we found. Lots of sand. It's a "no shoes in the house" pad but still people track in a lot of sand from the coast and the National Forests.
 I thought we were more of a nightlife crowd place. 
We are both. 
Adventurers and booty shakers. 
Glitter is "night club sand" 
but we can't gauge that since we add a lot of our own glitter to the mix,

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Someone in the neighborhood clearly wants to make my day.

Just noticed someone made flags for those disgusting "Power ups" that are all over the place. 
I wonder if the people who do this are the same who throw cig buts in the road?
 "Power ups" are what we call little bags of dog poop that unscrupulous people leave all over the place.
Guess they never heard of a "social contract."
Seems like it would be easier to dispose of these correctly (and keep their dignity).

Coffee syringe on the drying rack

This was super funny to see on the drying rack one morning.
It's amusing to see people's bathroom products from around the world but what I see in the dish bin can also be an adventure.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Guests left us a present.

Guests left us a present.
A bottle of Chum!

Glad they left it behind but no idea what to do with it.
I come from a small fishing village in South Texas.
I know what chum smells like so I'm not about to open this bottle.
I guess I would for a prank.

Hey! like what we do?

Up late watching the roof

Up late watching the roof (that I sleep on the other side of).
There is a hail of mortar fireworks flying around.
I'm kickin it by the hose.
Crowds of roving revelers are stumbling around. Some hollering, "Happy Halloweeeen!" as they slap each other into bushes.
I'm always tickled by the clip clopping of drunk heels negotiating dark sidewalks. It's like jazz drumming.

Like what we do? 

                                 Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.

shoes by the door

You can tell a lot about someone by their shoes. All kinds of people rock many kinds of footware.
I took this pic New Year's eve.
Two guests in each room and everyone was snoring by 9:30.
Quite often it seems we have more fun than the guests. To be fair, they are jet lagged and I'm drinking coffee all day.
Like what we do? 

                                 Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.