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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

garden girl!

Hope ya got some laughs from this blog
Like what we do?
We live out of a tip jar (sometimes chicken sometimes feathers) if you are in a place to keep our sunny side up and rubber side down then feel free to drop off a donation at our website.

Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.

Monday, May 28, 2018

because science

 A guest noticed me removing the full wastebasket from a recently vacated room.
 "I didn't know you work here."
 me: "I don't."
 "then what are you doing?" 
 I was actually just helping out but I like answering questions in ways that create more questions.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Some people came.

Some folks came from somewhere else. We interacted with them.
I'm not writing about the encounter because as luck would have it, nothing eventful or interesting happened.
They were boring, we were boring,
Usually the stars don't line up like that.
 I'm choosing to savor this.
Hope ya got some laughs from this blog
Like what we do?
We live out of a tip jar (sometimes chicken sometimes feathers) if you are in a place to keep our sunny side up and rubber side down then feel free to drop off a donation at our website.

Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Middle age Japanese couple like my bike lights

Yes! These folks liked us. They gave our house a lovely review. “宿泊は2泊だけでしたが、とても快適な宿でした。まずはロケーション。宿から50mも歩けば、DOWNTOWN 行きのバスが頻繁に走るSEデビジョン・ストリートでこの通り沿いには、色々なレストランやカフェがあり、街中から少し離れてリラックスして過ごすには絶好な場所です。2番系統バスは夜遅くまで頻繁に走っており、ダウンタウンへは20分ほど、本当に便利です。宿もアメリカらしい小洒落た家で共用のリビングやキッチンを含め本当に清潔でした。オーナーのKate をサポートするOlive とDingoもとても親切に応対してくれました。本当にお薦めです。”
This lovely couple were quiet until I got on my bike. They got really animated when they saw the dancing lights. Afterward they presented me with this very lovely cloth. I quickly made it into a headband and felt as formal as these cats carry themselves.
The lady laughed politely as the man pulled the cloth from my head and demonstrated that it was a dish towel.
I love my gift dish towel.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Austin Metrotexan...yeah I made that word up.

Austin in the house. 
Last week we met a couple from my home state.
I hit it off with the fellow right away as he had just been on a pot safari all over town. Yes! we had something to talk about right off.
The two of us sat in the dark on the front porch for hours, watching the people walk by, smelling the flowers and talking about our favorite places in Austin.
It was great to talk to a metro-texan.  That made it easier to tell him about places in town he would like and how to navigate.
One of my favorite attributes of Austin is something that can be found many places in Texas.
The smell of pecan trees and river rocks...and dirt.
Those smells have been intoxicating to me my whole life.
I was pleased to hear about the Austin bike scene and the happinin' things going on there.
He gave me the lay of the land since my Austin expieriences. My referenced were dated (1990s).
Austin is a magical place to me because I was never there in bad company.
I was always with people I adored so I see the place as a gem in my mind.
The last day for the Texans came. We were filming something out front as we said goodbye.
We are single serving friends who hung out in the dark porch  I had no idea what the dude looked like nor he, me.
We had only sat in the dark  roasting bowls and talking about his life. My life never really came up.
 It was funny seeing him in the light and realizing he didn't look anything like who my imagination thought he looked like (close but no cookie),
He was surprised too with wide eyes
 "What are you doing on that huge frikkin bike!!!???"