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Friday, November 30, 2018

donut bucket: a Portland tradition

Just now, I met a couple from the Midwest who walked into the kitchen and presented us with a bucket of donuts. 
I say, "Did you two go dumpster diving? My, you did get the Portland experience!"
Turns out they intercepted the loot before it hit the dumpster.(Like a champ! Olive and I should dress as tourists when we go dumpster diving!) 
They plan to give 'em away downtown in the morning (sounds so familiar to me for some reason). They say they got their scrappy scroungy skills from being college kids. I was impressed. 
These donuts are in good shape, they should go over well. 
Now that my new friends have contributed to our community, I'm going to give them the true authentic Portland experience by gentrifying them out of their rooms while they sleep. 
 Keep Portland weird heehee.

Hope ya got some laughs from this blog
Like what we do?
We live out of a tip jar (sometimes chicken sometimes feathers) if you are in a place to keep our sunny side up and rubber side down then feel free to drop off a donation at our website.

Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.


Right now, both the rooms have people from the exotic country of... Washington State.
They are here for Black (no sales tax) Friday.
I wonder if the savings cover the price of the posh room? 
Olive and I forgot to put the heat on twice this month. 
It's not our style, so we fumble that ball sometimes. 
The first time the rooms had people from Winnipeg and Ottawa. They didn't seem to notice one bit. 
The next time it was Miami and Mumbai India in the rooms. 
They noticed a LOT for some reason.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Lots of docs and nurses come through this house.

Lots of docs and nurses come through this house.
I'm a fan.
I didn't think I could possibly respect them more until I observed something in my natural environment.
Those crazy cats are really fun to watch when they do dishes!
I noticed American, German, and New Zealand doctors wash dishes like they are prepping for some kind of a medical procedure.
Every time they scrub the crap out of that dish situation.
Makes me feel inadequate even though I have many years experience being a pro-dishwasher.
My style is to clear the debris, give everything a good swipe or two, and call it good.
Med pros are apparently trying to prevent an outbreak.
Good on 'em.

Hope ya got some laughs from this blog
Like what we do?

Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Meanwhile... folks bring our fans to us in magnificent vehicles.

Hope ya got some laughs from this blog
Like what we do?
We live out of a tip jar (sometimes chicken sometimes feathers) if you are in a place to keep our sunny side up and rubber side down then feel free to drop off a donation at our website.

Thanks! It's a great town to be a clown.

This just in from The Land of the Rising Sun.

Some of you may recall my story of meeting the couple from Japan who were staying at our house. We had rad adventures considering the language barrier. While here, it was clear my "Homie from Kobe," Gen, was obsessed with the idea of pizza. 
Not a lot of ovens live Japanside. 
Well Gen just sent me these pics. 
He banged them rocks together and presto. 
Dude made a pizza pie from scratch just like I showed him. Rock on Donkey Kong! I hope he didn't use a microwave oven. 
 This is the one we made together.

New neighborhood dynamics.

My neighbors car alarm is going off. I look outside and discover she doesn't have a car alarm. The prowler is just honking the horn, flashing the lights and yelling wooooo wooooo.  wooooo wooooo-wooopwooop neenawneenawneenaw weeeeo weeeeo woop woop.
I love D.I.Y. culture.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

OK- I just poured the contents of "pantry mystery baggie" in my oatmeal.

People leave exotic foods behind all the time. 

It's a cultural experience for me.

I asked around. 
It turned out to be my favorite spice:
"expired exotic fish food."
We need to get some more of this stuff 
yum yum.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Owner of the house next door is a total tool.

The family renting next door has moved away.  The little boy who lived there said he would be very sad moving away from the clowns. That is hilarious because in the year we been here he has never said a word to us.
We hear the owner of the place was not so pleasant and we found that out when he came over and demanded we remove all gardening-ness from his property. That means everything to the right (in his mind) had to go. The reality is that he has a crappy slightly fallen fence that he refuses to take down even tho mother nature has partly done that job for him. This fence only lines up a few feet from his house. So there's an argument to be made that our garden is still on our side... 
Nonetheless we are happy to chat with his grumpy self and he won't have it. 

I gave him the stinkeye because he was rude to the Inn Keeper here.
This guy was playing with fire in that respect.
Olive and I guard the Inn Keeper fiercely.
His plan, now that the fam moved out, is to fix the house up and sell it so he can go bring his version of sunshine to Arizona. 
(Sorry Arizona. I know your state is already packed with total tools).
Looks like this fence is about to go after all. Anyway, let's keep trying to get along y'all. Tear down the fences!