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Saturday, August 3, 2019

socio-economic worlds.

 Lots of interesting characters have come thru lately but I didn't have time to write about them. 
This Thursday a lady (mid 50's) showed us from LA. She said she needed to be someplace besides LA. 
Looking at us she seemed pleased. 
She was smiling ear to ear as we introduced her to Portland. The other room had a lovely couple from Idaho. 
They had befriended a group of folks in Las Vegas who travel around following a band. 
Now they go around seeing the band but unlike the other groupies in their group, they are parents of 3 little kids and not rich like their companions. 
So they have the awkward times of being the only couple who isn't a named member of the law firm. It works out. They couple loved hanging out with us too. 
They took lots of photos of us and we had a fine cannabis session on the porch. 
It's not legal where they live so they understandably got pretty buzzed on an amount I hardly noticed. 
They said they were having dinner and trying to explain to their companions about our bikes when there was a sudden buzz. A clamor in the restaurant. 
The people in the place we were eating were reacting to us riding by. He stood up and hollered "That's them!" 
Usually folks ask us a lot of questions about our life (and they did) but I was really into asking them a lot of questions about the mutual admiration society they have going on with the law partners. I'm fascinated.
When it's their turn to get the drinks they can't get 3 top shelf bottles for the table so they just get a round of beers and shots instead. I love that it works out. It's interesting to me. 
I like when folks find ways to mix in all the socio-economic worlds. 
Those folks are gone and now we have a lady from Seattle attending her elementary school reunion with other 60 somethings. 
I lost track of my elementary school chums in Jr.High I can't imagine keeping touch for decades. lol

Hey! like what we do?